
Showing posts from November, 2018


...These nuggets would guide us through the days left of the year and month ahead. #Dear Woman, it must be really challenging and soothing at the same time to do all that you do and still be firm in your character and posture towards seeking peace and unity. You are indeed a friend to all and in your proficiency, you have gained the mastery of committing your loyalty, time and resources however to believing in dreams and hopes to disregard confronting situations that pushes one to respond rashly. That commitment is a derivative of your timeless love and care towards humanity. You have thought us as a nation, to be interdependent on ageless supports and ingenuity that only comes from the woman and her innate ability to carry everyone along. We magnify your grace, love and potentials above every limiting factor plagued on your gender. As we welcome November, always remember -what you say to you matters more in your life, family and in the society. It is okay to sa...