
Showing posts from September, 2017

A HAPPY WOMAN; Find Your Happiness

…  Continuation for: BECOMING A HEALTHY WOMAN. Statistics show records of global communities and its growing hostilities and unease with unveiling potentials of ' hates, hurts and heartbreaks ' on daily basis and I could say it here, that women are more vulnerable and at the receiving end of this menace. Information indexes and charts daily analysis to this effect are so alarming and disheartening that many have taken their lives and many others resolving to toll same path of suicidal agenda. Are you to run off life lane or give up on living, since hostility has become a global challenge and not just restricted to locations? How do you find your happiness despite the 3h’s surrounding human environment and how do you live a happy life as a woman vulnerable to society menaces? Just before I make the points available on how to live a happy life especially as a woman. First and foremost, let me encourage you here by asking you to forgive yourse...