A HAPPY WOMAN; Find Your Happiness

…  Continuation for: BECOMING A HEALTHY WOMAN.

Statistics show records of global communities and its growing hostilities and unease with unveiling potentials of 'hates, hurts and heartbreaks' on daily basis and I could say it here, that women are more vulnerable and at the receiving end of this menace.

Information indexes and charts daily analysis to this effect are so alarming and disheartening that many have taken their lives and many others resolving to toll same path of suicidal agenda.

Are you to run off life lane or give up on living, since hostility has become a global challenge and not just restricted to locations?

How do you find your happiness despite the 3h’s surrounding human environment and how do you live a happy life as a woman vulnerable to society menaces?

Just before I make the points available on how to live a happy life especially as a woman. First and foremost, let me encourage you here by asking you to forgive yourself. Yes, do 'you' a favour by forgiving yourself of any form of failure you may have experienced in the past. Career failure, leadership failure, relationship or marital failures. Whatever level of failure you may have encountered that’s deterring you from living up to expectation in life, disconnecting you from seeing the best of you and the best ahead of you, please let go and move on. Largely, if you can forgive yourself, then it is much easier and most helpful for you to forgive others no matter their wrong(s).

NOW! Find your happiness, locate your happy mode…

DO YOUR PASSION, PRACTICE WHAT INSPIRES YOU: Don’t just follow your passion, do it.  Rehearse it, be inspired by what makes you happy in life and ofcourse only those positive and impactful practices I mean. Feed your mind and fill your heart with what you enjoy doing, coaching or counseling, reading or praying, teaching children, writing or cooking. Find it, and press in for it, practice it and be happy and be happy always!

UTILIZE THE SMILE BUTTON OFTEN: Its right inside of you, activate it. Smiling always put you on the mode of happy living and makes you happier and healthier. Exercise smiling more and see how it affects you within, as well as those around you. You can always afford to give a smile, quite affordable and it only cost you a smile and you find you smiling and happy. Do it, impose it on you when you find it difficult to get the smiling code, generate the codes, you’ll definitely feel much better than not making any attempt.

LIVE THANKFUL AND BE THANKFUL IN ALL: OK, let me help you count your blessings and name them one by one. Then it will dawn on you why you must begin to enjoy a happy life appreciating the basic things of life, taken for granted and denying your beautiful self, the best of happy living. Be thankful for a healthy body, breathe of life, cloth on your body, sleeping and waking soundly, hitting the road unaided, water, and roof over your head, and food at your disposal, I could go on and on. Make it a duty to live happy and be appreciative of what you have and then, it will dawn on you how blessed you are already. Permit me to quote my mentor here, he said and I quote, ''what you don’t appreciate will eventually depreciate overtime'' – Pst. Buchi Thomas. So, start living a thankful life, because a thankful heart, is a happy life.

TRASH NEGATIVE THOUGHTS: You already know the outcome of negative thoughts. Negative thoughts hunts negatively. It will not add any value to your happiness, instead, it will distract you by weighing you down. The worst engagement in life is negative thinking. To stop negative thinking, you must be sensitive and take cognizant of it and try trading your negative thoughts with positive ones. One of the best ways to live a positive life is to spend more time with positive people and less or no time at all with negative people. A Positive heart will always find happiness, give it a try.

HELP OTHERS: Making meaningful contributions to someone’s life can help you enjoy the relief of feeling empty inside even when you have achieved your own personal goals. When you help others or volunteer to add value to other people’s life it makes you feel good to just be of service to someone’s happiness. The impact of helping others makes you feel fulfilled and it’s a big prospective source for your own happiness.

SHARE IT: There sure must be someone close enough, capable and worth sharing your thoughts with. When you share your thoughts, your time, and your abilities with the right people, you enjoy the relief and feel better. A life lived without sharing can become isolated and it is not advisable because loneliness can trigger anti happiness mood. When you share with others, it helps in establishing confidence and trust towards you and help you to feel more joy in your own life.

ENGAGE IN HEALTHY FOOD: You know it, you cannot be happy when you are sick or take-in what will endanger your health. Remember, eating healthy as a woman is our focal point for becoming a woman “aHealthyWoman” in the September edition. Yes, when you eat right, you feel better both physically and mentally. And you’ll avoid that awkward, irritating and guilt-ridden feeling that you just get out on junk food.

LEARN TO GIVE GIFTS: It really doesn’t have to be an expensive gifts. Sometimes, a phone call to say a word of hope, a text message, a call card, a caring email, a quick note, a poem will brighten someone else’s day, and yours also. Gift a bottle of drink or plate of food share what you can give to the less helped and people around your life. Give Gifts within your reach and do more when you have to, its reliefs and help make happy moments happen in life.

LOOK OUT FOR A MENTOR/LIFE COACH: Mentors are blessings to life and they are a source of direction to making success in all endeavours of life. When you are not happy or feeling unhappy, it’s an unarguable indication that you need direction and motivation to get back-on the right mood. You don’t have to continue existing in sad dispositions, there will sure be a way out, seek out for your mentor, your God given life coach. A life coach will comfort you and assist you in appraising your life. Maybe you’re holding restraining dogmata’s or you have an emotive chunk without recognizing it. By talking to a mentor, you can discover why you’re actually unhappy and what you can do to feel better.

Now you know at least five things to do. Hey woman! Find your mode, locate your happy codes there-in lies your happiness. Its your inbuilt as a woman to be live happy. Your best comes to bear when you exude your inner potentials of being happy. Now take this, your beauty as a woman is tied largely on your living a happy life. Your currency for triumphs and victorious living is in your living happy and living it always irrespective of economic or whatever downturn. 

Unlock your happiness, its your living secret to #BecomingAWoman #AHealthyWoman #AHappyWoman is #AWomanofFAVOUR.

I will return again next week, meanwhile LIVE HAPPY!!! Nmuah!


  1. Nice write up. Really deep and inspiring.

  2. @essien, Thanks for visiting my blog... Such a huge encouragement.


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