
Showing posts from May, 2019

DORCAS... (The Character of Hope for Every Girl Child and Children World-Over).

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs twenty-two verses six. Don't we love to see the Dorcas in every girl as she grows to become the Character Dream? Dare to explore only good deed and see how much love and ecstasy you will derive to attempt much more. I tell my acquaintances to strive to explore only good works so that you can learn or loan  (lessons from experiences ) because the bad is nothing but a deduction that is never needed. It is interesting that the fruits of goodness are hungered for but not everyone consciously engages in activities that produce such fruits. It is false to think you are so deprived not to have any tangible trade to contribute to humanity. No sect should be identified with associates of not only selfish desires but poor minds not willing to duly invest and wait on harvesting in due time and season. The worthy Dorcas as recorded in the Bible had colossal control of her e

Meet the 10-year-old girl coder grabbing the attention of Google, Microsoft and Michelle Obama

Why this 10-year-old coder was noticed by Google and Microsoft... Scroll through Samaira Mehta’s Instagram and you’ll see that she is a lot like other kids her age. She posts about having a lemonade stand, going swimming and doing the “In My Feelings” dance challenge. But she also stands out from other 10-year-olds — Mehta is CEO, founder and inventor of CoderBunnyz , a board game that teaches players as young as 4 basic coding concepts. Players draw and move their bunny piece along the board with the goal of eating carrots and hopping to their final destination. “CoderBunnyz will basically teach you all the concepts you ever need in computer programming,” Mehta tells CNBC Make It . “There’s the very basic concepts like sequencing and conditionals to more advanced concepts like loops, functions, stack, queue, lists, parallelism, inheritance and many others.” Mehta says she first conceptualized the board game when she was “about 6½, maybe 7,” after her fathe