
Showing posts from February, 2020


... VALENTINE by the calendar marking is here Again...  Isn’t it cool to just join in the conversation to talk about love during this season as every online and offline media is already sizzling on the hot topic of the most spectacular day of this month which is “VALENTINE’S DAY”. We remember as children on this supposed special day of the month,  how we'd always hear revised versions of the celebrated character according to history, though still can’t factor how every person became a witness to this event. This day over decades is marked as the only special and most recognized day to celebrate and demonstrate love. I will drive you organically through the theme of this piece. Just stay with me a bit.  We are adaptive and comfortable to take on routines with no hassle and unless you break out or try to introduce change which becomes very difficult yet profiting if it is a positive change. We remain preys to systems, laws, rules, philosophies, etc. It has b...