
Showing posts from October, 2021

Becoming The Good-Half

I am sure you are a lovable person. But have you tried initiating a chat with one who has track records of not knowing or attempting to know what it means to exude love, be loved or even validate your title as a lovable person?... Nice to have you visit here. I meant to express that I always look forward to having you stop by my refined thought-shelf. Come on, Shall we? I love the quip that says “two heads are better than one” or better put “two good heads are better than one”. And this saying has influenced several decisions around partnership of any sort which includes businesses, marriages etc. It originally says two being more preferred than one, never suggests having more than two isn’t a good idea. Two is a standard for establishing quality partnerships and goes further to admonish a healthy two for anything productive. Don’t you love and wish anytime you have something going, to be partnered with someone as equally sensible and one who ideates possibilities to achieving succes

Even in the Strangest Experience...

God is never on hiatus over anything that concerns you. Be steadfast, be at peace and know that you are worth more than the birds to Him. Hello here! Do well to have a quick tour around my blog and drop a comment and I would be honoured to attend to it. The piece you are about to ingest is inspired by Job’s encounter in the bible. But for some reason, I feel like many have either visited this terrain or merely groping for light out of such unpleasant experiences. Unlike my other pieces, kindly permit me to focus about 7o% of our investigations or learning on job’s account, would you? If you have visited the account of Job, you would for a moment be tempted to step into Job’s shoes to play the blame game when he lacked words or means to decipher nor describe his predicament. Doing justice to our analogy is mentally applying ourselves in Job’s shoes, to be simply empathetic. When you see an emotional movie to the point of getting emotional with the characters and seeing yourself in t