BLESS THE LORD oh my soul and all that is within me; The Lord’s Blessing makes rich and adds no sorrow; the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want; we are clay and He is the potter; Delight in the Lord and He shall give thee, the desires of thy heart; May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest and abide with us etc.,... A warm welcome to my refined-thought-shelf. Do well to like, comment and comment as you are led, thank you! and you are always welcome to visit here again. We learned through childhood to recite these familiar bible verses by heart and believed so much in the potency of these words and much more in the Bible. For most of us, it has become a ritual just learning to recite and meditate upon these selected scriptures daily. Many have undoubtedly built their faith on these words. Some of which we learned from our parents, teachers and handlers. Now we know better, that just simply meditating u...