BLESS THE LORD oh my soul and all that is within me; The Lord’s Blessing makes rich and adds no sorrow; the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want; we are clay and He is the potter; Delight in the Lord and He shall give thee, the desires of thy heart; May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest and abide with us etc.,...
A warm welcome to my refined-thought-shelf. Do well to like, comment and comment as you are led, thank you! and you are always welcome to visit here again. We learned through childhood to recite these familiar bible verses by heart and believed so much in the potency of these words and much more in the Bible. For most of us, it has become a ritual just learning to recite and meditate upon these selected scriptures daily. Many have undoubtedly built their faith on these words. Some of which we learned from our parents, teachers and handlers. 

Now we know better, that just simply meditating upon these words is not enough, but sturdily building our faith around these words and many others; trusting God wholly to manifest the power that is inherent in the knowledge of these words in every area that concerns us.

We can tell how great our God is from the firmament to the seas, to the moon, the sun, the trees and nature in entirety. We cannot overemphasize His faithfulness that is sure. Just considering the stories I heard as a child and still seeing the manifestation is simply amazing. The Rainbow🌈Reminds me of the Promises of God and so much more. His mercies that are readily available just as he promises, daily benefits we enjoy with our name tag on it. Don’t you just want to praise him more?

The title is so profound, it questions the fulfillment of God’s promises yet untold.

It is disheartening that people still question the magnanimous might of Our Great God. He is who He is to you according to the power of His revelation at your disposal. It behooves all and sundry to have a crystal understanding and revelation that our God never exaggerates His promises nor fluctuates in His standards. And for new generation that would think the miracles He performed through His servants in time past were gone with the times, He still does it hitherto.

Many a times we experience great manifestations of these powerful words we build on daily, and we find ourselves skeptical, scared and often use the common phrase “this is too good to be true”.

We are ardent Sowers yet do not recognize the seasons of harvest. God is Good and yet we allow our humanity to question the manifestation of His Goodness.
Few years ago, when I had just concluded my NYSC. It was normal to pitch for jobs, and I got on with it, you know! and of course talking to God about it as it was another phase of my life that I wasn’t willing to go through without His direction. I had spoken to so many persons that I was disappointed not to have received any form of feedback. It was so bad that I got irritated with a company that didn’t hire me after I had gone through certain stages, and I thought even though I wasn’t shortlisted, you should at least give me that feedback other than allowing me to come to the office to inquire for myself. Like who does that! Well, I relayed my discontentment politely as I knew how to do that quite well with a notable grin.

In all of this, desperation set in, anxiety and what have you. Even in those moments, I still meditated upon these powerful words, and still saw His goodness in other lives and in mine but for this situation, for some unknown reason, I just thought, His goodness might be for data users 10MB left of 1GB, so it might not be sufficient for this purpose but He is good anyways. Until I realized, everything was given to me in Christ Jesus, like seriously everything. Maybe just me but this will resonate with some real people that would discriminate what should be given to us according to our righteousness that is like a filthy rag, what we are not worthy to receive and what we are qualified to receive. He said all things; the job, the opportunity, the idea, the contact, the gift;…name it, He gave it all to me. The fact that it is coming through ‘you’ doesn’t make you the giver but the envoi, the merchandiser on earth, so I don’t have to glory in you instead of my Good God.

Upon realization of this truth, just following a simple instruction to launch in the same direction with a better understanding of who the giver is, a new contact led to a new contract and God was and is still Glorified.

How often do we question His Goodness in the lives of our spouses and children and relatives? You have known your child from birth to adult hood, and now there are certain decisions they make and you are marveled to question God’s leading in the decision? But you connected by heart to build on same words “lead us in the path of righteousness” why should the decisions be misguided if He has always taken the wheel. God is good!

I confiscate by the Power of God, every veil of skepticism, fear, anxiety, human energy that would not make us optimize our revelation of God’s Goodness in all areas of our lives. We would not attribute the manifestation of God’s Goodness to anyone or anything. In truth God is Good and all things were created for His pleasure. Every good thing a woman experiences from childbirth, taking care of the child having cramps, all the other good things are Good meaning God is in all of them, he sees you, and it is for a pleasurable purpose. Continue to stay shielded in the word that is able to build and grow you.

Continue to bask in the knowledge of the goodness of our Great God.



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