
Showing posts from 2017


...LOVE is the whole essence of CHRISTMAS. I love Christmas and I know you all do. As we all know, there is no other holiday like Christmas. yeah! Our ability to love one another, share and spread the Love of Christ makes Christmas outstandingly fun and fulfilling. The demonstration of Love for me exudes an aura of contentment in this season. Really, it makes the merriness go round, renewing our faith and brings hope into our lives, other lives and it is the greatest of all gifts to bequeath and receive. The gifts we give and share at Christmas is premised on the inherent virtue of love as the very vital component of our human existence. For me, Christmas in its entirety should be a way to live, and  should not only be observed on a special day to keep us in the reflection and practice even after Christmas. Christmas is well recognized as a period where gifts are exchanged yet the greatest gifts are not those wrapped in fine papers or dressed in colourful crossbows


As we celebrate this month of December, we commemorate the world Aids Day and the necessities to continue awareness facilitations and support for victims living with the syndrome, and to also increase our mileage to people who are still yet to have a proper education on HIV/AIDS as a global concern. We concluded THE GIRL CHILD SUMMIT on the eve of this wonderful occasion and it was indeed necessary to encourage, educate and engage the girl on how to properly be aware of her environment and take caution to her behavior and a sustainable character to keep safe. All THANKS to TOPFAITH International Secondary School Mkpatak, Essien Udim, Akwa Ibom State for their robust motivation, inspiration, support and reception. TOPFAITH is a great learning institution with uncommon values to enrich our world and it indeed found an indelible expression on The Girl Child Project/Summit 2017 as they played Host and Sponsor for her success. The Girl Child was indeed enlighte


  ...A look into the word Independence and as it affects the Womenfolk as Nigeria CELEBRATES Her 57th INDEPENDENCE. A quick look at the word Independence : Independence is defined as freedom from external control or support: the state of being independent which is synonymous with; Freedom, Deliverance, Objectivity or emancipation. For example, if a country has or gains independence , it has its own government and is not ruled by or influenced however by another country. What is the Independence Day of a country? A country's Independence Day is the day on which its people celebrate their independence. Now, celebrating my country’s independence on this day October 1 st refreshes my mind and knowledge on some areas of my life I need to improve on, to live free and liberated from character interference and other ills that has the capacity to disrupt my sovereignty and independence. I feel its great moment to celebrate another calendar year with the world mo

A HAPPY WOMAN; Find Your Happiness

…  Continuation for: BECOMING A HEALTHY WOMAN. Statistics show records of global communities and its growing hostilities and unease with unveiling potentials of ' hates, hurts and heartbreaks ' on daily basis and I could say it here, that women are more vulnerable and at the receiving end of this menace. Information indexes and charts daily analysis to this effect are so alarming and disheartening that many have taken their lives and many others resolving to toll same path of suicidal agenda. Are you to run off life lane or give up on living, since hostility has become a global challenge and not just restricted to locations? How do you find your happiness despite the 3h’s surrounding human environment and how do you live a happy life as a woman vulnerable to society menaces? Just before I make the points available on how to live a happy life especially as a woman. First and foremost, let me encourage you here by asking you to forgive yourse