Value is an interesting word. It is fascinating and economic friendly, even as it applies inversely to individuals. Your values give you an edge in life and position you ahead for possible opportunities. It could be referred to as favour being complemented with hard work. Everyone has certain treasures placed on them by the Almighty God. It could either be innate or acquired as life progresses. Values can be redefined based on individual preferences and living penchants. Now, it is established that everyone has a treasure that can either be acquired or readily utilized and effectively maximized, not to be traded for peanuts. It is highly regarded, your heart lies there and the question goes to my audience “the esteem ladies”. What have you identified as your real worth (value)? What’s your approach in letting people know your worth indeed? How deftly are you willing to go in order to achieve your goals in life, in identifying and utilizing your value as a lady? Value...