Value is an interesting word. It is fascinating and economic friendly, even as it applies inversely to individuals. Your values give you an edge in life and position you ahead for possible opportunities. It could be referred to as favour being complemented with hard work. Everyone has certain treasures placed on them by the Almighty God. It could either be innate or acquired as life progresses.

Values can be redefined based on individual preferences and living penchants. Now, it is established that everyone has a treasure that can either be acquired or readily utilized and effectively maximized, not to be traded for peanuts. It is highly regarded, your heart lies there and the question goes to my audience “the esteem ladies”. What have you identified as your real worth (value)? What’s your approach in letting people know your worth indeed? How deftly are you willing to go in order to achieve your goals in life, in identifying and utilizing your value as a lady?

Value appreciates and depreciates base on your individual prowess. It isn’t appealing to watch or hear ladies act as though they are inept, and can make permanent and unhealthy decisions to a temporal challenge. Oftentimes, ladies lose their true essence (values), as that most precious ornament, fragrance  and beautiful experience to mankind and humanity, for what should ordinarily refurbish and reappraise their worth and values. 

It is most likely to lose anything, in spite of its value without knowing its purpose. A bird has an innate value that makes it conspicuous by its ability to fly, so are the fishes to swim and of course not just the animals. People are known for their unique skills to motivate people, identify themselves with several sports, and are sure doing well and have added virtue to their hard work. It is not surprising that we all do have something that should make us unique and expensive and should be properly harnessed for our benefit and of course the benefit of our society.

What values do you project in your sphere?
As a Woman and a (Blessing) to our World, there should be something of worth, something impactful and substantial to identify you with, within your spheres of influence and immediate community. Unknown to some ladies, this knowledge is either missing or is undermined. Being identified with an impactful trait or gifting as women comes with a strong character or influence. Women are built and do have the inbuilt capacity to handle such responsibility and with a distinct ability to deliver. Strong and positive character builds and places a higher value on your personality. It is your duty to influence your sphere with a positive character, starting from your inner beauty, your very mind.

Identify your Potentials
Potentials are most likely impotent when not expressed. Your ability to identify and maximize your potentials as a girl child and growing woman projects you for recognitions and rewards, and of course a better way to appreciate your real value. You are celebrated, respected and given the ample opportunity to reach out to others. It all begins with identifying your strength and ability, what you are good at and enjoy doing. Moreso, allowing the process turn you into a blessing and a beautiful tiara to your immediate environment.

Maximize your Potentials
A log of wood is useless if it’s not processed to making furniture’s, its value is either worthless or purposeless. But when converted to furniture, it becomes a fortune that is valued. So, is a potential without its maximization. It can either fetch you little or no values at all. Maximize your potential in a bid to learn skills that would promote your values morally and economically.

Never belittle yourself
You start failing or losing your value as a lady, just about the moment you stop trying and start giving-in to thoughts that diminishes your true worth and value. There are several distractions that could give you a bogus impression of giving up, just at your starting point or climaxing your goal unknown to you.  It is significant you realize how strong you could be if only you wade off side attractions or distractions which includes; Insecurities, cracks in relationships (marital, family), peer pressure, personal exuberance, poverty, loss of hope, depression, emulation etc. to mention but a few. This could be a long list but nothing happens or succeeds without your permission. You are in charge dear lady, and no distraction is capable of making you lose focus of the big picture; which is to identify and maximize your worth as a lady.

The process of identification is key and foundation to imprinting self-worth in our society as females. You should have the foresight of what you want, and be careful not to go contrary to pursuing your dreams irrespective of obvious limiting factors. Our value as beauty icons and solution breeds is expected to impact and empower others to identify and maximize their potentials as well.  It is expedient for a lady to possess a strong positive character towards actualizing her dreams.

Every woman should desire, crave and covet, to empower people around them within the provision of grace available. Remember also that determination clothes you against challenges and a positive attitude attracts favour. Demonstrate love in-deed and in-truth, and do not be myopic.

Finally, be determined and remain focused on your vision and pursuits of it, with the consciousness that distractions have no place in your mission. Moreso, knowing that your value is priceless as such requires knowing your responsibility as a lady in your society, and also maximizing your innate potentials. 

#growingupasthegirlchild #myvaluemyhonour #maximizingyourpotentialsasalady #stayingpositive


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