
Showing posts from February, 2018

Excerpt from Pastor B. T’s February 14th, SERMON @The Shepherd's House Int'l lagos.

...It is always nourishing in God's presence here @the Shepherd's House Int'l Lagos, #1 Olabisi Street, Mende, Mariland, lagos.   Every day collectively makes an assemblage of life and your unique disposition to life demonstrates your level of organization. LIFE by Pastor B. T’s definition is a divine privilege with personal attendance to it. Your distinct approach to life’s opportunities and vicissitudes exhibits your sense of responsibility and maturity, and endears roles and responsibilities that checks your accountability. When roles and positions are generalized, one is rarely held accountable should anything go wrong or should anything require improvement and so is applicable to our lives. Life should be lived intentionally. Decisions, and relationship should be made through personal conviction. According to Genesis 1:25-27 #MustRead In the making process of man there delivers relationship and commitment. In every making process there must be these

Times, Seasons, Spices and Source…LOVE Beyond

Where do we find Love and How? The BIG W & H question.... If it must bring lasting and consistent Joy and Happiness, then definition is inevitable... Isn’t it cool to just log into conversation to talk about love during this season as every online and offline media is already sizzling on the hot topic of the most spectacular day of this month, the “St. VALENTINE’S DAY”. We remember as children on this supposed special day of the month, we always had revised episodes of what happened to the man that lost his life for love, still can’t factor how every person became a witness to this event. Well it happened that all and sundry now marks the day as the only special and most recognized day to celebrate and demonstrate love. Permit me to organically drive your minds and thoughts through the theme of this piece. Just stay with me a bit:  Connect with Love because it works, it works when it is real and consistent and not when it trends in tradition and religion. Over

Acknowledging the FOUNDATION: Its February 2018

...the picture of the end from the beginning - Inyene Udoekong E.  I’m out of reactions and justifications as to why people, society, government and institutions do and behave in certain ways that they do. As the Scriptures reveals, if the foundation is faulty or destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalms 3:11 interestingly, that scripture remains an evergreen question of all ages and to all generation. Defining foundation and David’s illustrative insight to an architectural/building engineering perspective, defines foundation as a base, more commonly, the element of an architectural structure which connects it to the ground, and transfers loads from the structure to the ground. This is another dimension to this definition; foundation can be either Shallow or Deep . This to me depends on your drive and expectations in life. Foundation from my perspective is the beginning of every end. It’s the picture of the end from the beginning and how you desire it.