Acknowledging the FOUNDATION: Its February 2018

...the picture of the end from the beginning - Inyene Udoekong E. 

I’m out of reactions and justifications as to why people, society, government and institutions do and behave in certain ways that they do. As the Scriptures reveals, if the foundation is faulty or destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalms 3:11 interestingly, that scripture remains an evergreen question of all ages and to all generation. Defining foundation and David’s illustrative insight to an architectural/building engineering perspective, defines foundation as a base, more commonly, the element of an architectural structure which connects it to the ground, and transfers loads from the structure to the ground.

This is another dimension to this definition; foundation can be either Shallow or Deep. This to me depends on your drive and expectations in life.

Foundation from my perspective is the beginning of every end. It’s the picture of the end from the beginning and how you desire it.
Just few weeks ago, which apparently began the New Year where most individuals, companies, associations, families etc., basked in the euphoria of the moment, had lots of resolutions and promises to commence within the New Year.

Any Resolution is achievable when it involves the concurrent partnership between the body, spirit, and soul, else it is none other than express deceit. Deceit when expressed attracts it’s like; it attracts everything that fuels its dominance. No wonder when I change an old wine with a new wine into an old wine skin, I still get the taste of the old wine. Why should that be? No wonder when I say as much what I don’t want with so much desire and determination not to keep going out of course because of course I say it loud that even my neighbors could attest to how much resolution I had, it just makes me fall victim to doing it and doing it over again.

I have seen that only few has started keeping to their resolution, well could it be too early to start practicing being or saying what you had declared for the year 2018.

What seems to be the challenge, why can’t things be done swiftly in deceit because of course it is equally appreciated and conspicuous by it moves, determination and success to pull through.

Why is it that just when we noticed we had successfully clocked a New Year, the agents of darkness equally got procurement for fresh attacks?
And the governments and society and most individuals who aren’t agents just got influenced in one way or the other and they device relative tactics to attack their fellow environs and subjects.

Why would a thriving government increase access fares to almost 2times the previous and no relative compensation on minimum wage? At what point did the New Year euphoria run out, are people not supposed to still be dancing and celebrating the New Year and its benefits?

I also realized all Christmas/New Year lights are gradually being removed. I doubt Nigerians are gullible enough to think that it was the dancing lights and decorations that got them encouraged, well i don’t think so. It was your well articulated promises on the front pages of all news feeds, posters, billboards and your (governments, individuals, institutions, health centers) encouragements but we had thought the old wine skin was changed during the transition of an old year into a new year.
How was the foundation compromised, how did it get so ideal to express the direct opposite of your intentions? How do we come to help, as we understand how much of every help is needed?

Few days ago, I got into a bus and the conductor was so displeased with the government that he defrauded me of my fare balance. That must sound really foolish. Well, I was not only mature enough to laugh about it, but blessed enough to look deep and wonder how hurting people get, that they transfer these pains and hurts and griefs to the people that could be of help to them.

It’s a lot to purge out; making me ponder really if having 14 months in a year would buy individuals ample time and sanity to purge all they had absorbed during the year. Well that’s ridiculous because when the desirable is unavailable as it is, we must prudently expend the 12 sufficient months in the year.

We had our experiences, our hurts and gains and to that, let US only magnify the positive events to pave way for other good fruits, let US endure the hurts and pains and believe they build OUR strength and preparation for the vision and the commitment to facilitate OUR transition into maturity.

It has never been about people and government and society validating us as we thought, it has always been about us realizing our potential from the source of all potentials. I must say here that all other entities are sinking grounds unable to carry your weight of bills, problems, counsels, funds for scholarship, children’s care, personal care, welfare, etc. it’s not about them because they sincerely would  if they could, but it is about the foundation.
We seek a better foundation, one we could be proud and confident of, enough to entrust families and generations into. A foundation that is likened to a solid rock like the psalmist sang. One that upon His foundation all packages are acquired. All delectable soft packages of; Peace, Joy, Love, Power, Strength, Holy Spirit, Intellectual capacity, Ideas, are all installed in your spirit, body and soul to give divine direction towards fulfilling purpose.

The lights are out of the streets and houses and different institutions but we feel better and safe now that better and more glorious lights exude from within us and can be transferred to as many as are connected to us in purpose. The light is in us which means we all have the power to believe and see things the way we are and should. When others see negativity, Our likes can’t see less, other than stepping into our manifestation as we declared in the year.

For me, i just can’t help my vision, because when I reset my mind, it positively affects my sight. Little wonder our body is an organism so that what affects the eyes affects other parts and vice versa.

Looking at the future from a Divine knowledge point of view, we can create new landmarks for posterity sake. We would be glad to participate actively in one way or the other. Nothing shall deter us, we are taking possessions not only in the education or health sectors etc, but we will balance it up by taking authority influencing the masses even in the political and financial sectors alike.

Physically, we may be too young to handle our cutlery, but we sure are hungry to eat and would figure in grace how to get an aid or help ourselves because we trust in a foundation that speaks for us and that Sure foundation is JESUS CHRIST. The Source of our Joy, Strength, Prosperity and Manifestation of every GOOD THING in life.

Trust me it was just going to be a sentence but so amazed as to what it amounted to. Do you think  it was worth the luxury of your time? 

It Remains a New Year until it is over because God's promises are ever new and our new wine of righteousness, faith, love, hope, prosperity etc. will sustain us as we enjoy the new wine skin of the New Year, new month, positive decisions, opportunities, ventures, privileges, promotions, elections, etc.

Do have a splendid New Month ahead. Looking forward to your forwards (shares, comments, likes).


  1. Come in here friends, The Light is in us, which means we all have the Power to believe and see things the way we are and should. When others see negativity, Our likes can’t see less, other than stepping into our manifestation as we declared in the year...


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