Times, Seasons, Spices and Source…LOVE Beyond

Where do we find Love and How? The BIG W & H question.... If it must bring lasting and consistent Joy and Happiness, then definition is inevitable...
Isn’t it cool to just log into conversation to talk about love during this season as every online and offline media is already sizzling on the hot topic of the most spectacular day of this month, the “St. VALENTINE’S DAY”.

We remember as children on this supposed special day of the month, we always had revised episodes of what happened to the man that lost his life for love, still can’t factor how every person became a witness to this event. Well it happened that all and sundry now marks the day as the only special and most recognized day to celebrate and demonstrate love.
Permit me to organically drive your minds and thoughts through the theme of this piece. Just stay with me a bit: 
Connect with Love because it works, it works when it is real and consistent and not when it trends in tradition and religion. Overwhelming many especially women are uncontrollably adaptive and comfortable with routine as it is designed to be, and unless you break out or try to introduce change which becomes very difficult yet profiting if it is a positive change, we remain preys to systems, rules, unhealthy regulations, philosophies etc. It has become a routine to just fit into a character of the Val casts when necessary as would be on the day.

Remember, love is real, powerful and should be consistent. How many people get perplexed and for another moment excited about sensational flashes they neither can understand nor have control of. Others get influenced to conducting themselves in such ways as to get validated by negatively persuasive companies and situations, which could be totally circumvented as it is the message in this piece.
We are advised as individuals to live and see life intentionally as possible. There are no calendars and dates in God’s Kingdom that we all look forward to, as all we do have and work with are the times and seasons of human existence.

Love is limitless and boundless; Love cannot be consistent without necessary spices.

Note; we are in the world and see the need to track events, so we do recognize what works and how necessary it is to feature calendars and events etc. for appraisals, activities, justifications or tenures and reigns etc. this could be a knowledge to be applied prudently.
Why do we find ourselves being compelled to imbibe principles, calendar years, philosophies that add no productivity to our lives? It is because overwhelmingly many has undermined the very SOURCE OF LOVE, either by pride, ignorance/religion.

There is a knowledge that surpasses every fairytale and it is the truth that 2000 years ago someone so special to you and me if we realize, demonstrated a template of the divine love that no record has ever surmounted to date. He did this so that when times like this come, when one tells you there is a special day to demonstrate love, you can boldly articulate the vision that ‘love is and should be demonstrated every passing day, as the sun rises’.
Do you ever imagine how lovely and refreshing it will be should media houses and families and companies and associations preach love every single day other than the supposed VAL’S day? Yeah right! That would spring much bliss and there would be reduction in pandemonium as seen these times across cities.

As we celebrate the day, with a touch of red as it usually is the tradition and every jot of relish whether deep of plastic, let us obtain knowledge that this celebration is and should be a lifelong celebration and demonstration of love. We do have a laydown template to express God’s eternal love as demonstrated by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to our neighbour’s and to our globe at large, irrespective of the times and seasons.
To my delectable audience; the girls, the women constituency and supporting males, do enjoy this day and replicate this celebration to the rest of the days of the months of the year until purpose is fulfilled in and through you.

It is He who completes every day and loads each passing day with daily benefits for His pleasure even on this Valentine day. So, celebrate this day and others, giving Glory to the Maker and not the product, restraining yourself in other not to be carried away by the brisk moment of gratification. Love, Love and demonstrate Love even more as the day goes by.
I remain your regular pilot here; BEcoming A Woman of Purpose, Competence, Capacity, Inyene Udoekong, wishing you a blissful Celebration in wholeness, Connection and fulfillment with Our Creator who is a persona of love even as you Celebrate Love in your diverse Capacities. I Love you all, JESUS CHRIST Loves you more.


  1. Yeah! I Love you all, JESUS CHRIST Loves you more. Let's Keep Loving and Don't stop Loving. #LIKE #COMMENT #SHARE


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