
Showing posts from March, 2018


...WE CELEBRATE; #Visionsupporter  A MAN who would stand to defend with all resources, destinies that yearn for expression? A man whose identity is a reflection of Isaiah 60:15 ;an eternal excellency and the Joy of posterity? A man who desires absolutely nothing for his Birthday but for souls to be won to Christ and delivered from damnation? A man who could be spiritually aggressive to see that his children from all works of life keep a defining relationship rather than a defiling one? A man who utilizes inciteful allegories to warn against FOOLING relationships and encourages FULFILLING ones? A man whose positive impact in the lives of many is colossal; He is a business father when you need a smashing cross to your tee ideas, a motivational speaker with no bounds to intellectual prowess and experience, a 5-fold Minister with an extraordinaire way of expounding the scriptures to magnify your spiritual lens, a Friend when he needs to demonstrate God's immut

It’s Right in that same MESS …Yes! Your MESSAGE!

Today 8 th of March is International Women's Day 2018…   Happy Women’s Day! Congratulations Women, we made another Calendar year. It's great and joyful to experience this day when women world-over are not only honoured and celebrated but are reminded and charged to live up to this day for a lasting memorial. Our Values, Our Virtues and Our Vigor; the pay-off, which drives home the Vision Mission assignment of The Woman Discovery Foundation (WDF) promoters of BECOMING A WOMAN project. We are also dedicating this date to a living message, a priceless and precious jewel, a rare gem and a bundle of blessing to our generation Sarah Jakes Roberts for what we call a fit model for this day and this masterpiece. We love you ma, we love your faith, we cherish your work in Christ. Now, let me maybe be the first to acknowledge and accept the apologies of Mr Mark Zuckerberg and the Facebook team for the survey asking users if men should be allowed to ask kids for sexual pi


This morning as I meditated upon the knowledge of God’s word to seek direction into the New Month, He put a song in my heart and I began to sing.  [I surrender all to God All to Thee my Blessed Saviour, I surrender all]. I really didn’t know at first why I had to sing the song; I just muttered and momentarily hummed the song. I pondered deeply in my spirit whether I was ready to surrender entirely all to Him. I thought I could reserve some of me for me; my strength was still aiding not totally but well my skills and intellect might be able to still go a long way.  I pondered just a bit if I really would let another, other my steps better than myself and wondered why I would give my whole time, wealth and heart to one I thought wasn’t tangible enough to negotiate with when I wanted out of the deal. I wondered even though the past year wasn’t so favourable, I could still try alone again. Perhaps, if I repeated the old strategy in this New Month, it mi