This morning as I meditated upon the knowledge of God’s word to seek direction into the New Month, He put a song in my heart and I began to sing. 

[I surrender all to God
All to Thee my Blessed Saviour,
I surrender all].

I really didn’t know at first why I had to sing the song; I just muttered and momentarily hummed the song. I pondered deeply in my spirit whether I was ready to surrender entirely all to Him. I thought I could reserve some of me for me; my strength was still aiding not totally but well my skills and intellect might be able to still go a long way. 

I pondered just a bit if I really would let another, other my steps better than myself and wondered why I would give my whole time, wealth and heart to one I thought wasn’t tangible enough to negotiate with when I wanted out of the deal.

I wondered even though the past year wasn’t so favourable, I could still try alone again. Perhaps, if I repeated the old strategy in this New Month, it might just be cool with time changing.

I thought to myself that I was sufficient for me and my family regarding health, care and welfare as I considered having sufficient resource to cater for all of that.

Even though there were moments with several challenges I wished there were more Months in the year; I just would have sorted it by my ability, knowledge and influence all by myself.

I was hoodwinked by the devil to think that though I was in a New Month, there was really nothing new about my ambitions, no new song, no new encounter, opportunities, no new ideas and passion and that muzzled me. I couldn’t convince myself to express the ever new mercies of the Lord by wishing myself a happy new start, let alone extending the hopes and faith and wishes I never had to others.

I had all this weight on me, alone put on me by me. Nothing worked well even in my eyes. I just had to pretend like I had everything under control, because I wasn’t sure who to trust with my weight and burden, so I endured.

It wasn’t like I endured like Christ who had hope of Glory; I just invested my pains for absolutely nothing in return (gross abuse of grace).

When I reminisce over the past days and month and years that the canker worm of ignorance and selfishness and lack of knowledge and lack of God’s direction had eaten, I only realized that I exchanged my purpose for my struggle which was undoubtedly preventable.

And when all this thoughts ran through my mind, I decided I had absolutely nothing to lose if I chose a more credible and divine path to the righteousness of Christ in me, I had to reawaken the spirit of God in me, who never left in the first place but I was too far away shrouded in life’s issues, to be affected by his presence.

A covering was on me all this while and I was too distracted by my burdens and weights and traffic of life that I barely recognized, the covering was over me as an atmosphere.

It’ll be cool if I’m a minority with this experience but if we could just be real in a bit to relate with this experience for ourselves or friends we could lead others to a courageous, defined and resolved life to sing this song again.

Why carry a weight that its capacity doesn’t equal your ability, why do it yourself when you can leverage on Christ’s Love, why get confused when His Direction is Divine, why bother about cost when he is All sufficient and inexhaustible.
So, I sing again with better understanding this time, because I do not want to do it all by myself henceforth. Now He lives in me He does great and mighty things through me. JESUS CHRIST uses all of me as His vessel unto Honour for His Glory.

This song ‘I thought’, couldn’t be a ‘we’ wish but should be personalized as it is intentional and should be sown as a seed.

I surrender my spouse, children, family, business, opportunity, clients, ideas, this New Month, my will and all to Thee my Blessed Saviour, Redeemer, Lord and Master.
Now I can boldly declare Happy New Month to myself and to all my friends and family.

       INYENE UDOKONG E. #BecomingAWoman #TGC #Inyene Udoekong #Happy New Month


  1. So, I sing again with better understanding this time, because I do not want to do it all by myself henceforth. Now He lives in me He does great and mighty things through me. JESUS CHRIST uses all of me as His vessel unto Honour for His Glory...

    You can Join me in this great song; a life transforming melody... Happy New Month Great Friends!


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