It’s Right in that same MESS …Yes! Your MESSAGE!

Today 8th of March is International Women's Day 2018…
Happy Women’s Day! Congratulations Women, we made another Calendar year. It's great and joyful to experience this day when women world-over are not only honoured and celebrated but are reminded and charged to live up to this day for a lasting memorial. Our Values, Our Virtues and Our Vigor; the pay-off, which drives home the Vision Mission assignment of The Woman Discovery Foundation (WDF) promoters of BECOMING A WOMAN project.

We are also dedicating this date to a living message, a priceless and precious jewel, a rare gem and a bundle of blessing to our generation Sarah Jakes Roberts for what we call a fit model for this day and this masterpiece. We love you ma, we love your faith, we cherish your work in Christ.

Now, let me maybe be the first to acknowledge and accept the apologies of Mr Mark Zuckerberg and the Facebook team for the survey asking users if men should be allowed to ask kids for sexual pictures (absurd and we clamp down on such idea). Mr Mark Elliot Z and the Facebook brand have been under fire for asking users whether paedophiles should be able to propose underage girls for sexually explicit photographs on the giant social network. What I call a moral depreciation on a global brand like Facebook and the personality brand of Mr Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan who has also been an American paediatrician by profession over the years. However, it was later admitted the survey was a 'mistake’ and indeed a mistake, we presume.  

Facebook is apologizing after asking some users whether paedophiles seeking “sexual pictures” of children should be allowed on its site. And I say apology accepted, so the world women’s day's celebration is worth it today with such gesture and humility to acknowledge our mistakes and not only that but admitting our mistakes.

Women, let’s do this together again, it’s our day. Before now, many mistakes may have been made, someone reading may have concluded, I have made the mess of my life. Some name theirs messy mistakes and some unpardonable; others say theirs is so messy that they cannot forgive themselves, let alone moving on. How intentionally do we mirror life; its opportunities, challenges and pleasure? 

I am so delighted to always desire for moments to script my life’s experiences, pleasures, challenges, task, etc. that’s only when I enjoy a life full of all ingredients to really decipher which spice I was allergic to, which meant literally keeping off as some allergies could be daunting. Most times you are given sage advice to abstain or use allergy control pill to reduce its effect. It could be costly to permit crisis when you imagine the unwholesome state it places you every single time you wade off course.
It might just be time to consciously take out our allergies from our diet; they aren’t helpful by the ways so why do we often find ourselves running unintentionally to what is harmful to our growth and general health for example. I should know with just a perception to decide due to its effect that it (that allergy) is totally not for me to dwell on but to help me decide what was needed for my growth.
Could it just be that sometimes I run into some allergy simply because they are prerequisite for another dimension of growth? We would find out soon enough.

It is exciting how this is related to life, choices, and the decisions we make. It is categorically proven that life serves your meal with all ingredients in it. And for every stage, level, higher experiences and knowledge, you could demand certain dish when you have luxuries of some virtues such as; endurance, acceptance, change of perspective, and intentional love.

We are familiar with scenarios where, as children, your parents couldn’t give you certain dishes because you were not ready for them, you couldn’t even demand them because you couldn’t handle the dos and don’ts else you soil yourself while having an enjoyable sauce.
Sometimes, you go to an eatery to place your order, you first check your wallet, and then you see how much you can spare; you proceed to check out your order, now you also must check what’s in the menu, and meticulously looking out for an allergy so you don’t literally, buy trouble disguised in a meal.

Also, you may want to be cautious eating all of it, but one after the other, you never know you could add another in the allergy list. Just my thought; “how would you identify an allergy if you don’t taste experience, challenge or prove it”.

What is the message for this article?.
 I should believe that every person that is a haulier of any sort of message is titled a messenger.
This dimension is so profound, so today 8th of March being our day as Women, I sincerely commend women world-over who are carriers of messages and not just any message but messages of edifications, character and courage. The very essence, such as for edification defines the kind of messages we will be looking at and how they are protected, defined in our character to spread the content of courage to others around us. 
We are messengers filled with messages built-in and within us over time due to our experiences; challenges, pleasurable moments, commitments, decisions to be brave, needs, growth processes, identity, opportunities. I needed to magnify my thought with this article to make people realize God is the same that watched those three uncommon Hebrew boys take that bold step to define and defend their identities having ripped all allergies of fear, doubt, unbelief, pride to prove their message, no sign of deliverance but they sure believed they had checked all ingredients and it was wholesome to absorb, all the faith, boldness in their spirit, with confidence to face the flare and just when the master checked from where they got their message to stay focus and unshaken, he stepped in to prove Himself as being the Alpha and the Omega.

Every message being pronounced is divided into two-syllable words; well maybe a little unenglish but I’m glad for this discovery. Mes + Sage, and in my research, I discovered in a summary that you can’t be sage if you don’t learn from your mess. As far as I know; God is economic, He does not waste experiences, He does not waste resources which includes every single “mess” you’ve ever had; growing up, becoming adolescence transitioning to an adult, challenges securing that job, relationship, family, project, association etc. Let me quote here the words of my mentor and Coach Pastor Buchi Thomas who says and I quote, "God is not a WASTEFUL GOD but a FAITHFUL GOD". He always has something to say to you right during that mess; to build you, challenge and prove you so that your experiences from your mess becomes a message to also equip and edify others.
It is crucial to realize that not every detour is meant to tear you apart but most as should be seen by your regenerated lens are to reveal God’s glory in you even in the event of these experiences. When you find yourself in a mess, take your time to seek Gods intent for that situation. Do not be afraid to learn from circumstances that will afford you rare opportunities to grow into becoming an envoi of divine messages. Do not let your mess, mess you up; it’s just part of the ingredients and requirements to make you an admirable masterpiece for honourable service.

I quote Pastor Rick Warren “our ministry is birth from our greatest pain” and that should be our message. Who is willing to henceforth not undermine the stretching, messes, responsibilities that accompany growth and messages and increase that ends up making us resourceful so much to be able to lead others in the path of being altogether the righteousness of God.

An excerpt from Jeremiah 18:1-End (please exhaust the message)

For the Potter to manifest His divine intent, He utilized all the necessary resources to put together a remarkable masterpiece, which is you. He used the mashes of dirt and water and air just to make you whole and worthy to carry out His Purpose. He trusted His work to believe the mess you go through will purge every allergy and divinely prune you.

Find your message and you would discover your ministry. Again, what is your message; how do you exhibit sageness even in your mess?

What is our message to the constituency of Women, Society and Globe? What have we learnt from our mess; feelings of neglect, not measuring up to societal expectations, the feeling of insignificance, etc. all in all as women, we have got our messages to stand tall having gained grit through the mess to deliver our messages of courage, self-discovery, self-development, and deployment to our spheres of influences. We will ever be grateful to our fathers, spouses and the men fold who have always supported, encouraged and motivated us to do much more. This is my message to you... YOURS is in that mess...

#InyeneUdoekong #YourMESSisnotMESSYbutyourMESSAGE #BecomingAWoman #RESET2018 #InternationalWomensDay #HARVEST #WomenDiscoveryFoundation


  1. #YourMESSisnotMESSYbutyourMESSAGE #BecomingAWoman #RESET2018 #InternationalWomensDay #HARVEST

  2. Nice one Dear...
    I Love Sarah Jakes Message. i Listen to her every week.
    God will take you to your place of fulfillment.... though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.


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