
Showing posts from May, 2022


...E ating is not a disorder but eating unhealthily is... we’ve all got these unique ways our body feels when we need to munch on something... Each month we consider significant concerns about health, life and business involving women and all-round well being. And this time we are taking a conscious ride to examine our eating habit… Without educating the body, it really knows when to poke you to get it refueled. A common analogy of how important food is to the body is the work of gas in a car which allows it to run and do so effectively. Sometimes we get engrossed with activities that we ignore signs expressed by our body to demand for food and other times we overly pay attention to our body to lend more than it requires. The need to adequately fuel the car cannot be overstated as it is the case of food and the body, to stay alive and alert. Some people like I do, feel a burning sensation to always eat each time the mouth is open. Despite the insignificance of the calories they


We have indeed found virtuous women already gaining ascendancy in their unique roles as kingdom takers.   It is such a wonderful timing for this exhortation in this new month, of this new year and certainly this new day. Be Blessed and most of all become blessings to others as you feed on this realization. The scripture reads “Who can find a virtuous woman?”,” for her price is far above rubies”. That would be our focal for this morning. Please resound this in your heart like you were in search of her too and get in here with your whole desires to find her in you. This word gives us a handy template to locating and becoming that virtuous woman. Being virtuous is synonymous to exuding admirable strength, efficiency, ability, and credibility of character which is who you are becoming. It is what you represent within and outside your milieu. Character denotes firmness which comes from an unwavering spirit. In other words, she appeals to her maker as she desires to please Him, she

Living Your Divine Script

"Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come— In the volume of the book it is written of Me— To do Your will, O God." Heb 10:7 NKJV It is essential to be aware of the script you handle or are currently handling to consciously display your competence and knowledge in acting out your unique roles. It is also of great benefit to learn the skills of fulfilling your character obligations.  We do know how well to pick out the slightest shortcomings of people who do not sacrifice enough time to internalize their scripts efficiently. The gap no matter how miserly is noticeable when great acts come together to produce a quality outcome and the resultant expectation is being taunted or not optimized. Life has unique offers to and for each one, and the skill to gaining ascendancy is also an undeniable responsibility to man. Like a sophisticated stocked warehouse, life is stocked with varieties, given on request and given as a compliment on the account of our engagements through our fleeting t