EASTER BEYOND: The Power of His Resurrection

May I crave your indulgence; this is my revelation on Resurrection. And my experiences and pursuit for purpose handed this revelation to me, so accessibly.

So much is being said about Easter, logically, categorically, theologically, educationally, psychologically and religiously. Well, my thought today is neither to debunk people’s perception about the approaching season nor to commend any of these schools of thoughts but to tell you my experience and personal revelation about Easter.

Firstly, I am delighted to have the opportunity to express myself. Thank God for His inspiration for the lives of many to discover and create platforms where I can express myself without any one’s validation or interference. Yeah, I mean I am going to put this up on my timeline for me and like minds to read and continue to grow to full measure of grace.
Resurrection by dictionary definition is bringing to life or rising from dead whereas my definition is a translation from ignorance, death or darkness to knowledge or light or life.

According to 1Peter 2:9 we were all once in darkness, it wasn’t by choice even though we could have run in there ignorantly but we kept hearing from childhood that we inherited wickedness and sinfulness from one man and then much longer another brave man defied the inheritance upon us and handed us another inheritance of grace and goodness. Therefore, a translation being made at every stage of our knowledge. The choices we make as a family, individual, corporate body and as social groups are bi-facial; these choices determine the results we get. Results of resurrection or results to show that we are still ‘dead’.
I love it when I am under the auspices of fantastic men of God who help me flash the touch to direct me but then again, I want to decipher for myself if where you are pointing the touch at is really where I want to go and the big question is how do I discern that my resurrection is sure and not that I am swiftly lifted to be dropped again. I want to be resurrected and not gratified instantly.

A man could be dead and when lifted briskly, it could be misconstrued from a distance that he is back to life and probably waiting on treatment to be stable and having other senses functioning properly, not realizing that he was perhaps handled that way to be confirmed dead.  
Your source determines the authenticity of your resurrection EXPERIENCE. For it is written, ‘if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of His Spirit who lives in you’. You can come back to life and not sustained to live, you can be brought out of darkness and brought to a false light, it is possible as it exists to be brought out of darkness into a less glorious light or a phony light. 

These sounds nothing like the resurrection I want neither for myself nor for my friends. I go for the real deal. Your resurrection status quo should reflect your source, like showing forth His praise. When you are resurrected, a CPR was done and that couldn’t have been possible without a breath, and that breath is what granted you admission into resurrection. He replaced your natural life with his supernatural and your ordinary life with his super ordinary and that begins and ends the translation.
I will not mention resurrection without a thought on purpose. Have you asked yourself as I have why he took the pains, shame, reproach and stripes to be resurrected so that the power will be given to us? Why do we often celebrate His resurrection, why drink the blood and eat the bread which signifies His flesh and blood, why do all of this? Well, I thought about this and I got a perfect answer, it is sternly for purpose sake. According to 1 Peter 1:2 “who through the purpose of God have been made holy by the spirit, disciples of Jesus, made clean by His blood. May you have grace and peace in full measure”.

I was sleeping when I woke up with a revelation ‘KNOW GOD BY YOURSELF’. These still stirs strongly on my inside even as I write, and I engaged resurrection of purpose to lead me on to sanctify, purify and exonerate me. Purpose is vast; you could never see anyone write all that there is to purpose. I really think it should be an institution; something like “GLOBAL INSTITUTION OF PURPOSE”, and strongly believe that cap will help. I am amazed at the daily and hourly revelations of purpose. Even on scribbling this thought of mine, purpose elongated this piece else it should just be a sentence. Arrrhhh!
Joseph, Daniel, Paul, Mary Magdalene, Peter and the likes had serious personality issues, like citizens you could say; nah! That one says he is a follower of that pastor but he just denied him, she is a harlot hmmm! Not clean, he persecuted people, he is an ex-convict, she is too spiritual yet unable to defend herself, and you see it’s interesting because these cited examples abound even to date. That pastor was accused, how he could do that, how could he allow single ladies to visit his office, he cannot be called by God etc. 

But I am so glad my quest got me an answer. The essence of resurrection is maximized in purpose and purpose defines, identifies, sanctifies, and exonerates you. Abraham’s purpose granted him righteousness, Paul’s brokenness on discovering purpose translated everything about him by handing him a refined script.
 And the very unbelievable one is Mary Magdalene. You see what I realized. When the mobs who represents the world and its entirety; the need for validation, the pressure of life, recession, rudiments of this World, handwriting of ordinances, traditions of men, philosophies of men, ideology and thesis of men to control and accuse her. As she got broken and fagged out with the circumstances, they navigated her towards her redemption and she consequently discovered her purpose. On attaining her redemption no one was left standing to forthwith accuse her. And then again, I did realize that redemption allows purpose to be expressed and when it is expressed you find liberty, freedom, in purpose.
All I have been saying is for the eyes of your understanding to be enlightened so that you understand that this is beyond the traditional and religious caption “Easter”. This is a clarion call to discover the whole essence of Christ death and resurrection; one with a difference because an understanding is attached.

No longer will I be oblivious of the magnitude of grace adopted from this singular act of a noble and brave man. He is royalty but offered to strip Himself of that glory to see purposes be expressed on the surface of the earth and when you dare to stumble, or get drained, he died and resurrected so that we might be resurrected in Him, businesses will resurrect, purposes will resurrect, marriages will resurrect, institutions will resurrect, minds will be transformed to the knowledge of God. Destinies will resurrect, you just begin to decree the resurrection power of Christ into that area of concern and feel it translate right now. Well the application of this knowledge is power, so use it for you and your generation.

Happy Resurrection/Redemption friends, do what is in your heart to acknowledge this season. Your purpose, identity and originality in Christ will inspire you to give a gift that will be uniquely appreciated; it could be evangelizing lost souls for the Kingdom of our Lord JESUS CHRIST as the demand is placed on every living spirit. It could be visiting a brother or a sister to remind them of the common Love we share as one body and it could be celebrating big time with friends and family. But, anything that will reflect such a noble thing that he has done not to defame the essence.

Where are the women? All my thoughts are primarily for you, do well to consume wholesomely. #BecomingAWoman #TGC #WDF #RESET2018 #HARVEST #WeAreWINNERS


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