Demystifying the Mix; TEARS and JOY

…No one escapes this experience in their life time. Such a Blessing..
It is cute to see “tears of joy!” but it is overwhelmingly appreciated when it is expressed in feat. We get emotional when we spectate events of people who are excessively joyous to express their deepest feelings at the moment, that they break down in tears, out of; ‘this is just how well I can divulge my heart’.

To date, I ponder how unfair it is to sometimes unite a fantastic feeling such as joy with a feeling that represents total brokenness. Oftentimes you see people who are being called upon for magnificent recognitions, instead of joyfully giving a signature or pridefully enjoy the glamour on the stage by flagging the prize, they just smear their makeup, expensive look and mood with all emotive tears.

Well, in my observations, ‘smaller’ recognitions leave the stage slightly affected but bigger achievements leave the stage with an accommodative mix of teary eyes and joy exuding from the inmost well of most recipients.

I do believe that the mixed feeling is in retrospect to what transpired in the course of pursuing that dream, project, task, purpose, goal etc. It is not always rosy. The awareness that these two will be experienced at certain times, give an edge on a better way to handle them when situations arise.
Joy and tears are virtues that strengthen the process of growth and development in life. You will always have a reason to experience both at one point or the other, and it just feels refreshing to know that you are surely progressing.

The shortest paragraph to end this will be that in the light of day, at your final stage, when all is said and done, surely it is real that repeatedly the tears, pains, fears and concerns will be felt but more and even more real is the joy that emanates from your inside, that thrusts you forward and upward to fulfilling that assignment respectively. So that when you are finally at the end of the tunnel with radiant lights sparking round about you, you reminisce in a while with a conviction, why you had to endure the tears and pains and fears because all you thought about was the success, values, gain and benefits ahead, so it didn’t matter the distance in the tunnel that was covered in darkness, all that shrouded your thoughts were the exhalation of joy and accomplishments at the end of it all.
Now when those mix feelings come during appraisals, recognition, achievements, and a privilege is given to tell your story, do well to expel as much tears and do not forget to gush your joy as well because the mixture demystifies, so much that life entails.

Wishing you a glorious week ahead. 


  1. It is absolutely OKAY to TEAR a bit and JOY more. Happy Reading!


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