You can defeat it! – “Can you defeat it?”

We are indeed thankful for having gloriously transitioned from the very first month of January all the way in grace into the 1st half of this unimaginably glorious year #2021.

It is always an honour to recount the huge intervention of God’s mercies upon our lives throughout the passing months in spite of the global and national challenges. An anointed man of God once revealed that conquered challenges are a revelation of God’s goodness that comes through in times of need.

How amazing!, to serve a Father unseen yet outstandingly palpable in every of our affairs. “No wonder!” as often exclaimed when we realize we are never left all by ourselves in events of challenges. Such experiences offer an exceptional proof that God has profitable interest in every aspect of our lives which includes also the haphazard, disorderly, stuffy affairs of mortals and undeserving men.

He has clearly demonstrated to us the mindset “If I can do, then you can do much more” John 14:12 with track records which serves even to date as living proofs. He remains the writer, finisher and binder of His purposeful script written concerning us. Believe in Him, Jeremiah 17:7 has offered many, bold access to His throne of grace to obtain answers to petitions of Life.

It is the deceit of the Enemy –not only the fallen angels but the enemy of our minds, the enemy of bad companies, mediocrity, emulations etc.- to make you analyze an enemy, to evaluate perceived dangerous traits when you can simply defeat it. May I bring to your knowledge that every challenge faced with human notion, ability, strategies will not suffice as the Bible clearly defines that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers …hence the need to solely rely on the saviour and deliverer of mankind to fight every battle through us. Hence, we face every life’s battle in the name of Him that raised Christ from the dead, He that saw redemption of mankind as a SMARTstrategy to reconcile mankind unto Himself.

It is important to identify various ways The Father speaks to encourage and inspire us with backing from His word. This thought dropped in my spirit when I had an encounter with a creeping insect that is perceived to constitute nuisance within and outside the home. The centipede, as perceived by Africans have dangerous attributes such as its nocturnal activity and speed which makes them hardly seen by humans. Research shows that this predaceous arthropods if handled roughly, some larger species can inflict a painful bite that can break human skin and cause pain and swelling, similar to a bee sting. 

If you’ve had an experience with this arthropod, you may comment below. This arthropod invaded my home with little thought I immediately killed it to defeat the perceived thought about its dangerous attributes. You see for a moment I could have dwelt on the perceived thought and let it escape but I took my chances because I believed and trusted that I could defeat it. And that very moment The Holy Spirit impressed in my heart the reason opportunities elude many believers as they would rather analyze and evaluate the perceived challenges and weapon of the enemy instead of trusting in the victory certain in Christ Jesus to take down the enemy of their destinies and promises. 

The might of the enemy is not my duty to archive through people’s thought and opinions but the Strength of the mighty that shows up when I am faced with challenging circumstances -such is my utmost concern. “You can defeat it!” should be audibly sounded in our hearts whenever situations ask, “can you defeat it?” So today, this very moment I close by indulging us not to trust in our strength and understanding which has tendencies to exaggerate the enemy’s antics with the intention to make you oblivious of the source of your strength, but to rely on the strength of Our Father to defeat, surmount and overthrow every seen and unseen enemy of our lives.

This New Month, I pray you Enjoy Joy(J) Unspeakable(U), like NEver(NE) before. Enjoy JUNE!


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