Generate your fire this entire year. You do not need a catalyst to begin or continue to burn for Christ. Allow your passion kindle your fire until you become an accessible message of God's Kingdom.
As my first blog post from my refined thought shelf; You are welcome to the very first one here in this year. I am so excited to share this with you as it really helped me start the year on a strong note- not asking for external motivation to make me embrace the year more or less, but igniting my environment to embrace the copious presence of the Holy Spirit.
As humans, we do have funny ways we measure things we really do not understand. Say for instance, the year started with me being invited for a business dinner meet which lasted for an hour, by that simple experience I could define an entire 365 days or 12 months as it were, as “the year is already looking up”, and if it turns out the opposite, I am already troubled about self-induced disappointment and erroneous imaginations other than embracing a year with overloaded possibilities.
As a child, I appreciated already made (established) teams in terms of capabilities, growth and experience more than developing teams probably still grappling from the scratch. Little wonder the producers and manufacturers in the supply chain do the most work and are few compared to individuals and systems in need of the readymade goods and services. Another reason there are more employees than there are employers. Driving it to a more relatable analogy in this generation would be, the reason leaders are few and the followership base keeps escalating. To be able to do the needful in every area of our lives, we should be prepared to become catalyst ourselves not waiting for external factors to motivate us to do the needful.
During my vacation, while I was cleaning, I neatly gathered the waste to burn them and the waste included; papers, match boxes, dry leaves and some old fabrics (rags). I added the wastes as collected from the cleaning to an already burning waste and I watched the fire rekindle with no additional effort and just then I pondered over the sight and got our first title for this year.
The fire burned freely, I didn’t need fuel nor kerosene nor any other agent to rekindle the fire. The materials aided the combustion process. As a safety professional, I am familiar with fire classifications and I understand that class A fire which comprises of the above materials burn freely and do not need anything to aid the combustion reaction. As a matter of fact, any material of similar composition, joined to the fire begins to burn by means of an accomplished heat transfer.
In like manner, class A fires amongst others are the easiest to extinguish. There are assessable resources to easily douse a class A fire. As a believer who desires to burn for Christ sake, there are a lot of attempts the enemy would make on your decision- Fires call for emergency, fires never go unnoticed, especially a fire such as yours that is a threat to the kingdom of darkness. Let us stay vigilant, praying, studying the word, serving in unique capacities, by way of rekindling our fire to burn continuously.
When challenges in different appearances lie in wait, in an attempt to extinguish the fire you started out in the year, fret not and be strengthened that God is competent to save and deliver you from the snare of your enemies.
I knew immediately that in this new year, all I wanted so badly was to burn freely for Christ, His Will and Purpose like the class A fire. I knew just like these organic materials; I do not need fuel, which will mean waiting on external motivations, wealth, ambitions, to spur me or validate my desire to becoming passionate about God and His kingdom.
I knew that I wanted so badly to create a virtual or physical environment that would ignite fellow believers when joined in fellowship, conversations and gathering.
This year as we begin to fill new pages, my prayer is that we become willing and obedient to be the crucible equipped by the Holy Spirit to propagate heaven’s agenda here on earth. We will want what God wants and be grieved by what grieves God and enact His Will. We will become channels through which God will express his intentions across the Nations of the world through; Institutions, Marriages, Relationships, Businesses etc., Our ultimate desire will be to please Him in our words and in deeds even greater through the impression we leave off of environments we visit. This year and beyond, we commence a journey to burn freely such that men will be drawn unto salvation and consequently join the army for global revival.
When we begin to burn as agents in our homes, offices, gatherings, only then can we invoke a global revival and massive outpouring of The Holy Spirit in this present-day.
Second Timothy chapter one verse six reads (AMPC); That is why, I would remind you to stir up (rekindle the embers of, fan the flame of, and keep burning) the [gracious] gift of God, [the inner fire] that is in you.
Your stopping here to snoop wasn’t accidental. Hence, I ask for special grace for you my friend to begin to desire passionately to BURN FREELY for Christ’s SAKE and receive The Peace you have longed for.
This mandate is not a religious one. You need to be born again, and be willing to be committed to a life long journey of submission to God’s sovereign Will for your life and allow his word be the compass that guides your Thinking, Action and Words as you reign in life in Christ.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you found a reason(s) to desire to BURN FREELY in 2022.
#BURNFREELYIN2022 #FAITH #InyeneUdoekong
The words are loaded with intense fire. God bless you Ma