“The wise are people who by experience have come to the realization that life can only be successfully prosecuted by the all-knowing knowledge and all sufficient sufficiency of the Almighty God.” Inyene Udoekong

My best part in every thought is how I welcome you here to my refined-thought-shelf. You are most welcome to be back here and don’t forget to like, comment and share before you gracefully step out. Thank you!

As humans, we have been given the privileges to replicate the kingdom virtues and values of heaven here on earth. I believe no one can fill our unique positions like each of us ultimately will.

I remember speaking to a wonderful colleague at the time institutions and workers were plunged into uncertainties as they courageously managed the aftermath of the pandemic. Even in the event of the pandemic, God did not refrain from speaking wisdom and his intentions to individuals and companies that were tuned to His frequency. He spoke even in such a dilemma where the world was void of ideas and insight and without a possible sense of direction. Few who were genuinely submitted to the sovereign leadership of God honorably searched out revelations through intimacy to provide clarity and direction towards the way forward.

The scripture braces us with the knowledge that sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Every day with its evil and challenges but we find consolation in Daniel two verse twenty-one, And He changeth the times and seasons: He removeth kings, and setteth up kings: He giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding. “The wise are people who by experience have come to the realization that life can only be successfully prosecuted by the all-knowing knowledge and all sufficient sufficiency of the Almighty God.” ~ Inyene Udoekong

And understanding of how to navigate the times and seasons was revealed to them to practically effect in their times, lives, businesses, ministries, careers and their spheres of divine influences. These experiences led so many to a certain hunger and thirst to get off their comfort zones to begin to express some possible dimensions that they may have dreamed of or imagined at some point in their lives.


Back to my conversation, I told my friend that this season and time more than ever, God was calling each and every one of us to RESUME already to the various assignments divinely apportioned to us. When a company recognizes how invaluable you are, they write to invite you to fill a position, offering you lots of goodies; All the goodies that come with the job. The official signatures: cars, electronic gadgets, driver, executive edifice for an accommodation, assorted aids, security, corporate assistance, etc. you name it! And they tell you everything is all set and ready for your resumption, more like a clarion appointment. And they tell you politely to revert when you will likely resume to be warmly received.


Such a yummy offer! Having this land on your mailbox, will get you jumping without a second thought. But spiritual invite to resume destiny and purpose have such a disparity but gives an even greater and eternally sustainable benefits. If this excites you as much as it does me, then best believe that you are in for more by subscribing to a more honorable profession of the faith that is in Christ Jesus.

Sometimes this resumption varies with individuals and what duty or role you are called to fulfill within the kingdom jurisdiction. Everything attempts to distract us from our very high call to divine duty and reality. We take jobs that deprive us of a valuable resource of time to make ultimate plan to serve God’s will and purpose for our lives, we get into associations, sects, that would stop at nothing until every need to feel solely dependent on God’s grace is shattered. Challenges attempt to amplify itself above the very knowledge of God as the source and sustainer of all things.

Like the provision already made available pending your resumption; His strength, knowledge, wisdom, peace, love, power, understanding, patience, protection, direction, favour, health, wealth, revelation and mercy duly required to prosecute destiny awaits your honest resumption. All these are God’s resources at Christ’s expense to fulfil God’s purpose. By His mercy, He furnishes continuous inspiration and guidance into that utmost reality to see that you take up that role to manifest your unique expression of His kingdom. And for others to see and be drawn to the wisdom and unsearching understanding of God.

On a flip if you as much liked the physical offer, then rest assured that you deserve the glorious benefits of what is divinely accrued to you upon resumption.

Is It all there is to the offer? No challenges? no down times? Hmmmmmh! …

I would respond with my little experience. When I got my first job offer letter, with the amount I was going to be paid and my contract letter. There was no statement of what challenges I would face nor the contentions that would come with the job. Oh! It also didn’t hint that not all colleagues would agree with me at all times. Lest I forget, it didn't say some challenges will be off my Job description but were sufficient to build me and stretch my knowledge of interaction across borders. Like every sincere person, my focus was more on the goal. The goal was more real than the challenges, the obstacles could not deter me from the knowledge of what the monthly goal of salary and allowances and quarterly goal of award recognition and yearly goals of appraisals in form of promotions, salary increments and gifts in the natural sense.

For us, the goal of our divine resumption is more focused on the reality of leading a fulfilled life. Implementing the value systems of heaven on earth as they find expression in our heart and then our lives and ripple outwards over everything with our imprints.

Would you make the wise decision to RESUME already and be at peace? Fret not as everything required to make you successful is embedded in your obedience to submit to this clarion call. If you have long before now been convicted to resume, tell us in the comment section, what motivated you into making such a glorious decision. How would you encourage others to push forward and be inspired by the prize for the higher calling and enjoy the peace that follow suit?

Thank you for stopping by! God bless you!



  1. Welcome back. Nice one

  2. Nice works. Ride on.
    Simple diction will enhance the clarity of your thoughts.


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