Celebrating Every Woman

How I love to host you here🥰. This one is in commemoration of The International Women's Day Celebration with an amazing theme: BreakingTheBias🙅🏽‍♀️, and to let you know, you totally are worth celebrating any day. It is always a delight to celebrate women just being women and women doing wonders in their respective spheres of influence. On this note we join the women community nation wide to celebrate and encourage women do even better and become role models in their unique fields to younger generations.

As we mark our wins in career and other areas, there is a need to allow growth and transformation as we continue to make indelible impacts; First, in our lives and then multifarious expressions through our words, associations, career, homes, and the nations at large. 

On March 8th, I needed to access cash and my bank being pretty far made me get stuck with a strange ATM with limited cash withdrawal limit. For this, I utilized the ATM multiple times.

The people behind got infuriated, some reigned abuses, cos well they had no idea I could understand the dialect and many more sobbed in anguish and I just remained calm. I thought I could lighten up the atmosphere by saying, "Happy International Women's Day!" lol! but that didn't seem appropriate for that particular ambience, and when I turned out of curiosity, your guess is accurate: I saw women of different classes and ages and Nigerian complexions. 

BEcoming A Woman is not a change theorem, but a transformation reality by the Holy Spirit.

I am concern that the woman's strength for amazing potential is similarly the same force with tendencies to making her become an institutional or national concern. I am a woman and I must confess that I am more than half of the time most concerned about what women do to their gender colleagues than what males do to males.

My aim is not to inspire or encourage women to have multiple alter egos that can be summoned when the occasion arises. But to encourage us build Intimacy with The Holy Spirit until we are whole in our true identity and personality in Christ.

We could interpret the theme in ways that suit our individual or corporate goals but there is superiority in the original template for mankind. According to Romans 12.2.. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

We know some of us exude some typical way of life (culture) natural with women. Regardless of a woman's social stratum, she is helpless to the degree of that natural hold (pettiness) on her. Escape only comes through genuine transformation. Only we can tell how petty we can be 🤦🏽‍♀️. The unified goal here is to break the limitation and temptation of using our weapon to besmirch another instead of encouraging and edifying one another in love. 

Allow your John enjoy and leap at the presence of another's Jesus. Allow your happiness and joy for another's milestone become something they can be encouraged by. Do not be saddened about an Elizabeth that is already making waves and doing amazing and disregarding the reality that you may be next to carry a more grand news of wonders. Wherever you are on this echelon, the goal is uniquely modeling transformation and service to the world through genuine encounter.

To this note, until every ceiling of limitations and barriers and culture that tend to limit us shatters, we keep aiming for genuine transformation that calls for intimacy, growth, service and peace.

Happy International Women's Day to Every Woman doing her best in #BreakingTheBias🙅🏽‍♀️

#CelebratingEveryWoman #Faith #InyeneUdoekong #IWD2022 


  1. Happy International Women's Day. Nicely written��


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