...She can establish herself in what she enjoys doing and subsequently commercialize it

On a summary note, permit me here to start this piece with an inspiring illustration to magnify my thoughts on BEcoming a Woman and not just a woman, but a woman of Competence and Courage.

A man endured being in a situation as he supposed, where he was the only one working in the home. He barely noticed the little assistance the woman offered as a wife by doing home chores, taking good care of the kids, fixing meals on timely basis, washing and obviously fulfilling her marital duties. The husband could barely hide his dissatisfaction considering the fact that his wife isn't supporting financially. Well, in his words he thought, the wife wasn't doing enough to secure herself a job, this made him furious. 

So he decided that if the wife can't get herself a job (typically going out and returning home with few incomes at the end of the month), then the marriage of enduring period would be dissolved. Well, he still pondered on his intervention plan and considered getting a third party to validate his intentions. He obviously didn't go to a Woman; His mother, wife's mother, female counselor to confide in, he got a male counselor to validate his masculinity and machismo intents. 
Unfortunately, and fortunately for him, posterity and fortune played out in his favour in order to reset his limited mindset. The male counselor he consulted was an unconventional one as he didn't perform his duties in his favour. He gave a rather instructive advice. His(Counselor) past experiences from his family background inspired the advice he communicated to him. He continued that his father's supposed job was unarguably of a great financial value to him yet his mother's care (aka joblessness) earned him sustainability in all his achievements.  

It is nice for a loving husband to suggest several ways to get his wife fulfilled by showering her with so much encouragements and supports “financial, moral, spiritual etc. 

She can establish herself in what she enjoys doing and subsequently commercialize it, other than being put under duress by uninvolving spouses like you, the counselor added. At the end of the discourse, the man was almost in tears. He felt so remorseful that he blamed his innocent wife for his insensitivity, lack of involvement and ignorance. Hence vowed to make amends by supporting her to establish herself. 

From my illustration, the man realized the wife was obviously doing more work than he, which he initially didn't give cognizance to because of no financial value. And of course assumed no felt impact, because her efforts were of no palpable economic value but only domestic values. 

This is but a skeletal impression, an idea of what most women are identified with especially in a supposed “man’s world”. I am here to inspire and motivate women to braze up, be of great Courage because overwhelming many are glad and confident at the same time to congratulate women world over the globe for the Admirable energy they put in the course of fulfilling their roles.

We are sure moving and rapidly evolving in our times and seasons. Our responsibilities, heroines and design are way above the skeletal illustration. We are building CAPACITY to be more COMPETENT as wives, mothers, and most of all Contributors to the growth and economy of our society at large. 

Criteria to be needed at home: Be engaged as a daughter or as a wife, be industrious, be compassionate, and of course much more Qualities could be an added advantage to be relevant at home and beyond. 

Criteria to be needed in any association (Social, Religious): Let commitment and courage be inherent virtue to exude the inner aura. Be supportive as much you can in any environment of human existence and of course realizing the purpose for engagement and working towards achieving your goal makes you extremely relevant. Good to know that an added virtue will sure earn you more relevance. 

Ultimately, Criteria to #BEcoming a Woman that was well introduced in the previous paragraphs. A Woman who would be relevant in her sphere. A Woman who would engage life (positively) for her happiness in other to transmit it to other women. 

She is a COMPETENT Woman, she has evolved from being THAT woman to #BEcoming a Woman who has chosen to DISCOVER, DEVELOP and DEPLOY her Dreams, Skills, Abilities, Endeavours to her sphere of influence from Home, Environment, Society, subsequently across the Globe. 

WE are progressively heading there; the right direction. We are building an army of Women who are ready and willing to replicate their designs, intents, skills and capacity in the lives of others (Girls, Women). We will no longer be jobbing without working. we are being identified and defined by our work and over time, capacity would surely be built over time which will in turn be a blessing to mankind.

Join me to support and encourage Women all over to build MORE capacity and courage; the dream and desire for #Becomingawoman, that COMPETENT Woman.

Like (Act) if you Like(appreciate), Share (disseminate) if you Share (support)...and in Comments, please Tag #BEcoming a Woman, when you Share (disseminate).

Inyene Udoekong: Promoting #BEcomingAWoman (BW)


  1. This Work is indeed the reflection of what truly occupies your heart, this can only come from a Heart made up of Diamonds... You have BEcome a great Blessing to the fold of Women and Humanity in General. Great Piece my dear, Keep it up and keep it Coming. I am sincerely proud of what God is doing through your Life. Your World is Blessed!

    1. @Pastor Buchi Thomas, thanks Sir. Trust God to lead us to an expected destination.

  2. Nice one Sis.... The world will here of you.. God bless the heart where all this is coming from. #Proudsis

    1. @Amaenyene Udoekong, Thanks for a heart that appreciates. God Bless You.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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