Happy New Month

It's a Wonderful month, that's a seed you should sow in your subconscious. I would share that in the subconscious there isn't a +ve or - ve, what you sow grows. So start sowing words like "it's a good day" "I have a good job" "I am a better woman" "I have the right attitude to influence my sphere" "I have the capacity to be a great Leader" "I live a life of Favour"...

I suppose you know that what is Right is as crystal as what is wrong. Don't indulge in self deceit and spend your precious time to sow what's wrong.

Sow right, wait for it... Yeah right,.. Wait for it.... And again wait for it not idly but water your seeds with the right resources to develop yourself....

Trust me, If I do have a recipe of short cut to sowing and harvesting without irrigating (literally working), I will post here. As I know there's no gain in deceit.  So I guess we all are together in this, let's build together better women, girl children in the globe and for the globe. It is our collective goal, it may tarry, we will wait. We may be few now but we would build more women to key in...it may tarry again but it shall surely come to pass.


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